Something New
Our purpose is to design, create & innovate new projects that speak to the level of consciousness for all audiences and provide a voice for the unheard.

Award-Winning Content
We at Phocused Black Star Media want to stay on the cutting edge with our storytelling. Our aim is to provide stories that connect with individuals on various levels. As we will continue to develop stories that people think about but never see.
Here’s our story formula: one part breathe taking characters + one part real world scenario + one part history + one part fictional setting + one part exceptional artwork = one great story that can connect with all sorts of people. With the rise of Superheroes in film, comics, toys and gaming. Our stories are not about superheroes but about ordinary people, if given a little phocus can do extraordinary things.
This is why we are recognized.
STEM Inside
We use our graphic novel series to not only entertain, but to educate.
S.T.E.M. or Science, Technology Engineering and Math Programs are often the lowest funded and the lowest graduated in urban areas. PBS Media is working hard to change those statistics by traveling the country, speaking at schools, comic book conventions and after-school programs. Our goal is to expose young marginalized students to STEM related academic programs, careers and THE Arts one graphic novel at a time.
Look for the STEM INSIDE logo.

Join us at our annual festival
The Khem Fest is an annual convention celebrating Black Animation, Gaming and Comic Book Creators.