Check here for Khem Fest Tickets
12:00 PM - 12:30 PM WELCOME TO THE 7th ANNUAL KHEM FEST / 3RD ANNUAL KHEM ANIMATION FILM FESTIVAL (KAFF) Main Stage Opening the Gateway – Mayor Shawn R. Klein (Livingston) Carlos Walton, Growing 4Forward Aderade Dance Company Founder: Naseed Gifted (Educator, Creative Director of PBS Media) Vonetta Reeves (CEO of Musuyanama)
12:30 PM – 12:45 PM THUNDER AND WAVES: ORISHAS EPIC DANCE powered by Musuyanama Main Stage Oya, blue-fire bender and Yemaya water bender dance performance. Experience African Orishas dancing the eternal storm. This dance experience features blue fire bending Oya and water bending Yemaya. The performing artists, Audie and Luisa of The Daughters of […]
1:00 PM – 1:45 PM STEM EXPO - LIVE 3D PRINTING VHS (across from Barnes & Noble) See various objects being 3D printed live.
1:00 PM – 1:45 PM ANIME & HIP HOP powered by PBS Media Main Stage Anime & HipHop will include Marvel illustrator Aaron Johnson & Cthree discussing the relationship between Music, Art and HipHop terminology. The discussion will include the creation of Anime & HipHop Game Design and the experience of illustrating Marvel’s X-Men […]
1:00 PM – 3:05 PM KHEM ANIMATION FILM FESTIVAL SELECTIONS powered by ICON Media Group 2nd Level (near Sears) Cartoon Film Block Rated: PG Experience and celebrate the outstanding creative talent we have within the Animation, VFX and gaming industries. Thanks Again! - (4:59) Each character symbolises a tone and appears in front […]
2:00 PM – 2:45 PM STEM EXPO - VR (Virtual Reality) Station powered by VHS VHS Store (across from Barnes & Noble) Experience our Virtual Reality games. Virtual Reality (VR) Station is an interactive computer-generated experience taking place within a simulated environment.
2:00 PM – 2:45 PM BLERDY DAMN GOOD COMICS AND FILMS powered by BLERD CITY CON Main Stage Giving the blerd perspective of the top list global omics and a recap of binge watched films from lovecraft and more. Clairesa Clay (Founder of Blerd City) Calvin Grace (Comic Panel Coordinator of Blerd City)
3:00 PM – 3:45 PM HIP HOP SHOWCASE with DJ THECAINMARKO Main Stage Featuring some of today’s hottest Underground Artists. Artists: CTHREE, 27 Year old Artist from Los Angeles Ca evokes a sound reminiscent of the Golden Age of HIP-HOP.Releasing his debut album "Spirit Language inspired by the African diaspora, Cthree merges visual […]